Patient Experience Office
Services Provided:
- Liaison between patients and healthcare team for issues pertaining to patients’ rights.
- Help with concerns, complaints and compliments.
- Assist with answering questions and communication.
How to make an appointment:
Call 907-361-5291 or email dha.wainwright.bassett-adh.mbx.bassett-experience@health.mi. Patients can also walk-in to our office located on the first floor next to the ATM.
Important Documents:
CARES Nomination Form: Tell us about a staff member or department that went above and beyond in providing care.
Q: How do I make a complaint or compliment?
A: You can speak with the patient advocate or fill out an Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) online.*DoD&sc=11
Q: Are ICE Comments anonymous?
A: Yes. The ICE system keeps your information private unless you enter your information and request a response. However, often, giving us contact information allows us to reach out and quickly remedy the situation.
Q: What is the CARES program?
A: The CARES program is a way to recognize staff members who for assisting patients. If you received compassionate, attentive, responsive, enthusiastic service, you can nominate a staff member by emailing the Patient Experience Office or fill out an Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) on line.
Q: What is JOES?
A: The Joint Outpatient Experience Survey (JOES) is a DoD survey for patients who received outpatient care. Patients receive the survey randomly through the mail. Feedback comes back to us anonymously and helps us to improve care.
Q: What is TRISS?
A: The TRICARE Inpatient Satisfaction Survey (TRISS) is a DoD survey for patients who received inpatient care. Patients receive the survey randomly through the mail. Feedback comes back to us anonymously and helps us to improve care.